
The seven storey mountain
The seven storey mountain

But Merton has been around for a long time. Anthony de Mello's voice, still attractive to a wide readership after his death, differs markedly from that of the Kentucky Trappist (Cistercian) monk. Even Henri Nouwen's popular and highly personal writings occupy a successful niche of spirituality quite distinct from Merton's - although Nouwen's The Genesee Diary was a Merton look-alike. Nor do Merton book sales rival the phenomenal appeal of Kathleen Norris's books and their monastic ethos. Thomas Merton's audience does not compete with the multiple millions who read M. Scores of his conferences for the novices at the Abbey of Gethsemani are available on audio tapes. Only a decade ago, five volumes of his correspondence provided a strikingly honest and revealing supplement both to the Merton canon and to his public persona. Most recently, HarperSanFrancisco published seven volumes of Merton's complete journals, the bulk of them previously restricted material. Dozens of his other books reappear in new printings.

the seven storey mountain

Thirty years after his death, how does one gauge Thomas Merton's continuing appeal? On October 4, 1998, his autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, achieved the status of a modern classic, still in print on its fiftieth anniversary and available in a handful of translations. The Seven Storey Mountain." Retrieved from

the seven storey mountain

1999 Association for Religion and Intellectual Life 29 May.

the seven storey mountain

MLA style: "The Seven Storey Mountain." The Free Library.

The seven storey mountain